Unlocking the Opportunities of RailTech
Forum Bahn + BahnTechnik | Bavaria 2024
April 17, 2024 | Congress Center Meistersingerhalle Nürnberg
Rail transportation is expected to perform major tasks. However, capacities are limited. The infrastructure is often outdated, and restorations are urgently needed. But this is also an opportunity to integrate new possibilities to make transport more sustainable and more efficient. Digitization plays an important role here at various points, but also brings with it points of attack.
On April 17, 2024, the Forum Bahn + BahnTechnik | Bayern will address the opportunities that can be exploited in the field of rail & rail technology for a more sustainable and efficient transport.
Register right here!
Together with:
Our Partners:
Welcome | Statements
Registration | Get-together | Visit of the Trade Fair
Unlocking the Opportunities of RailTech
Dr. Rudolf Aunkofer | Geschäftsführer CNA e. V.
Karl-Hermann Klausecker | Sprecher Cluster BahnTechnik | Bayern
Keynotes | Topics
Rechtliche Herausforderungen & Aspekte in der Umsetzung
Prof. Dr. Urs Kramer | Universität Passau
Lunch Breack | Snacks | Visit Trade Fair
Track 1
Rail Cyber Security
Digital Safety for Rail Traffic
N. N. | Vector Informatik
N. N. | infoteam Software AG
Max Schubert | INCYDE
Track 2
DC Technology
Technical Innovations in the DC sector
Innovative Schalt- und Schutztechnik für DC-Netze
Dr. Hendrik Köpf | E-T-A
Afternoon Break | Coffee + Pastries | Visit of the Trade Fair
Track 3
Train Control + Digitization
Intelligent Control and Maintenance
Digitaler Knoten Stuttgart | Chancen und Grenzen der Digitalisierung
Peter Reinhart | DB Netz
(Almost) Hassle-free Digitization
Philipp Rößler | Critical Software
Digital maintenance in der Praxis
Mathias Beer | Ci4Rail
Track 4
Energy + Infrastructure
Sustainability and Efficiency
Mehr Kapazität und Flexiblität für die Eisenbahn durch Magnettechnik - Nevomo's MagRailTechnologie
Stefan Kirch | Nevomo
Synopsis | Unlocking the Opportunities RailTech
Enabling the traffic transition
Closing presentation
Get-together | Dialogue + Discourse | Beverages
16.04.2024 | Pre-evening-Event | Conversations & Networking
Dr. Rudolf Aunkofer | Geschäftsführer | CNA e. V.
Mathias Beer | Founder, CEO | Ci4Rail
Stefan Kirch | CBDO & Co-Founder | Nevomo
Karl-Hermann Klausecker | Sprecher | Cluster BahnTechnik | Bayern
Dr. Hendrik Köpf | Leitung Abteilung I&T (Innovation&Technologie) | E-T-A Elektrotechnische Apparate GmbH
Prof. Dr. Urs Kramer | Lehrprofessor für Öffentliches Recht | Universität Passau
Peter Reinhart | Monitoring Gesamtsystem Bahn | DB Netz AG
Philipp Rößler | Business Development Manager | Critical Software
Event information
Alle Preise zzgl. 19% MwSt.
Event incl. Catering
EUR 299,00
Universities | Authorities
EUR 99,00
Politics | Municipalities
EUR 99,00
Students | Trainees
EUR 24,00
Members of the press have free admission | please show press at arrival
Terms of registration
After receipt of your registration you will receive an invoice to your e-mail address, this is considered as confirmation of registration. Cancellation is free of charge until 01.04.2024. After that date or in case of non-attendance of the participant, the full fee has to be paid. A substitution of the registered participant is possible after consultation. The organizers reserve the right to make changes to the program.
Would you like to participate?
Do you have any questions about a lecture, the trade exhibition or participation?
If you are interested, please contact Markus Stich | markus.stich@c-na.de.
Conference Venue
Meistersingerhalle | Congress Center
Münchener Str. 21
90478 Nürnberg
CNA Center for Transportation & Logistics Neuer Adler e.V.
Theresienstraße 9
90403 Nürnberg
Mail: hello@c-na.de
Web: www.c-na.de
Tel: +49 151 40 57 22 10
Fax: +49 911 461 07 60
Markus Stich | markus.stich@c-na.de